For small polyp and large polyp stony corals, soft corals and mussels, as well as problem solutions in saltwater aquariums.
Coral Snow is used as a carrier liquid messenger for elements such as B-Balance or potassium iodide fluorine concentrate. It is compatible with all elements, including amino acid and our vitalizer.
You can dose 1 - max. 4ml Coral Snow per 100L aquarium water daily.
Coral Snow neutralizes unwanted acids and helps with many problems in water, including slimy algae and cyanobacteria. To do this, 1-2 drops of CyanoClean are added to Coral Snow for every 100L of aqua water; this should be dosed daily until the problems are eliminated.
It has been shown that Coral Snow helps us to keep the system at a high level without any problems, especially after large imports of 500-600 corals. We add 5ml Coralsnow to every 100L of water. The next day, the system is just as stable as it was before the imports: Dealers are welcome to send us inquiries about larger containers by email or fax.
The turbidity in the water is harmless to all fish and the most sensitive corals.