Dupla Ground color Purple Rain 1-2 mm, 5 kg
The colored gravel for freshwater aquariums
Dupla Ground Color is the first choice when it comes to choosing the perfect substrate for the aquarium. Because the right choice of gravel is the be-all and end-all for the successful operation of an aquarium. The substrate has many tasks. It must offer the plants a suitable substrate in which they can root securely and thus find sufficient support. Furthermore, it must have the right grain size in order to be able to transport the vital nutrients to the plant roots. A combination of Dupla Depot Mix active and Dupla Ground Color creates the best conditions for strong and healthy plant growth. The use of a floor flooder (e.g.: Dupla Thermik Set) also requires that the gravel used has the correct grain size, which allows good heat/water circulation. But the right substrate is not only important for plants. Thanks to its special grain size, Dupla Ground Color protects the sensitive barbels of bottom dwellers such as those of cory catfish, loaches, etc., which diligently search the ground for usable leftover food. Gravel that is too sharp would injure the animals' sensitive barbels. Dupla Ground Color is pH-neutral, CO 2 - and drug-resistant and completely free of harmful substances. Safe for all aquarium inhabitants!
Tip: You get the right amount of substrate by adding the
Aquarium length (cm) x width (cm): 140 calculated. The result is the amount of soil in a 5 cm thick layer.
Example: length 100 cm x width 40 cm: 140 = 28.6 kg
Application: Rinse Dupla Ground Color with cold tap water to remove e.g. abrasion. A layer thickness of 5 - 8 cm above the growing medium, depending on the planting, has proven to be optimal.
Product advantages at a glance:
- does not release any harmful substances into the water and is safe for all aquarium inhabitants
- ideal for fish, invertebrates and plants
- ideal structure creates an optimal soil climate and guarantees healthy root formation
- The special grain size protects the sensitive barbels of ground fish
- For best plant growth, the combination with Dupla Depot Mix active is recommended
- pH neutral, CO 2 - and drug resistant
- tested quality: Toxicity test: SNAS Reg. No. 038 / S-025, test number: 16/08370
- The colored gravel meets the requirements of DIN EN 71, Part 3
- Rinse with cold water before use to remove abrasion caused by transport
- only use at normal aquarium temperatures