Power KH +, 500 g
Supplies corals with the necessary hydrogen carbonate, promotes hard coral growth and stabilizes the pH value. Power KH+ is easily soluble and does not cloud.
- increases KH / alkalinity
- stabilizes the pH value through higher buffer capacity
- essential for all calcifying organisms
- supports the formation of limescale
- including measuring spoon
- Instructions for use inside
Alkalinity or carbonate hardness (KH) is a measure of the buffering capacity of the water and is crucial for a stable pH value in the aquarium. The alkalinity or KH in the saltwater aquarium should be between KH 6 and KH 8°dH. In natural seawater the alkalinity is approx. 7.0°dH. This value is stable in the sea due to the large water mass, but in the aquarium biochemical processes can have a major influence on the carbonate hardness and change it. Stony corals, mussels, soft corals and calcareous algae remove calcium and carbonate ions from the water during the formation of lime and store lime in the form of calcium carbonate. This reduces the Ca and KH values. A regular addition of Power KH+ or KH+ liquid stabilizes the alkalinity and prevents a dangerous drop in acidity. Due to the different number of consumers, each aquarium has its own needs. In some cases, a well-growing aquarium can “use up” 1 KH per day. Therefore, the KH value must be checked at least once a week.
Power KH+ and KH+ liquid are easy and convenient to use, do not cloud and can be dosed directly into the aquarium. Power KH+: One measuring spoon increases the alkalinity (KH) in 100 l of seawater by 4°dH. KH+ liquid: 30 ml increase the KH in 100 l of sea water by 1°dH. Suitable for dosing pumps.
Background Carbonate hardness or alkalinity?
Carbonate hardness is an outdated term from drinking water analysis and is defined as part of the earth's potassium metals, which can be precipitated by heating to form carbonates (scale). This is where the term “temporary hardness” comes from. Due to the different composition of seawater and drinking water, there is neither temporary hardness nor carbonate hardness in seawater analysis, but only the term alkalinity. Alkalinity is therefore equivalent to the simplified notation KH.